About Us

Strategic Plan

We envision a healthy and transformed society that fosters interdependency to enable every community member to meet their basic needs to the optimum.


Our mission is to bring a sustainable and affirmative change in the lives of the community members with a special focus on health by identifying and providing opportunities for their integral development.


Lead for poverty alleviation through oral health by increasing access to health and development activities towards achieving a holistic development.



Considering the national scenario, the emerging immediate needs of the communities, the organisational capacity (SWOT) and the experience of HDSN members, HDSN intends to pursue the following objectives for the next five years.


  1. Upliftment of target communities for the fulfilment of basic needs.
  2. Human Resources will be developed and strengthened professionally.
  3. The accessibility of quality oral health and health services in the target communities will be facilitated and strengthened.
  4. Policies related to oral health will be instigated in all sections and at all levels.
  5. HDSN will serve as a Resource Organisation for oral health services.
  6. Long-term sustainability of the organisation will be ensured.


Strategies (Framework)


The defined areas of strategic interventions for the coming five-year are:


1. Partnership :


HDSN will identify and develop partnership with organisations which share the values and belief of HDSN and work through partnership at the local, national and international level to achieve the set objectives.


HDSN will work in partnership with the local organisations so as to build the local capabilities and resources.  The local organisation will work as a group/institution and improve networking of information and ideas.

2. Capacity building :

HDSN will initiate activities for capacity building. The aim is  to strengthen its physical and organizational structure and human capacity through training or exposure of its staff and board members in health and development, implementation of policies, code of conduct; and establishment of a HDSN office with sufficient equipment and personnel. It will raise awareness and advocate on the issues relating to OH and Health Rights at the community, district and national level. Capacity of the district health facilities including the health service providers will be developed through regular formal and informal activities.  Apart from the individuals, institutional policy/rules, institutional processes will also be developed through visioning, planning, action and reflection.  Various cost effective methods and means will be used all through the process in direct consultation with the funding partner(s), the local level board and mobilisation of the network.


HDSN, with its goal and mission to enhance the capacity of the local individuals/communities coming to form an institution, will identify, recruit, train and support local partners of the selected areas.  They will in turn promote, advocate, lobby, establish model centres, develop local resources, implement and carry out quality assurance activities relating to OH in their respective areas.  It will help the communities to form OH management committees and strengthen their capacity for access and management of OH activities in their communities.


3. Research and documentation :


HDSN will initiate research activities in the community and develop an effective and efficient documentation so that the learning can be used by the organisation in the future while sharing them with others working in the oral health sector of the country.


4. Advocacy and Networking :


HDSN will advocate and facilitate local, national and international level network and coordination for the operation of joint-activities through sharing of experiences, learning, skills and resources.  It will relate the skills, experiences and values of the organisation and the impact it has made in the communities that has worked with coordination amongst them.  HDSN will also work to establish district, regional and national level federations of the organisation working specifically for the cause of OH.


5. Integrated/holistic development and Expansion/scaling up the programme :


HDSN will work in the spirit of integrated/holistic health development principles and yet focusing on oral health. It will Increase the activities and geographical working areas to address the oral health needs by applying the learning that has been gained while working with the communities. HDSN will also recognise the need for individuals, communities, government line agencies, security forces and development organizations to reconcile and work towards building a harmonious community.



Values reflect how the organization works. HDSN considers the following values as important to reflect what we believe, how we behave and influence the way we work.


  1. Love:HDSN is concerned for the poor and marginalized people. Therefore, we will seek to identify their needs and support them with love and compassion
  2. Equity and equality:HDSN believes that all human beings are equal and fosters social justice and equity despite their difference in caste, status, gender, religion and ethnicity.
  3. Excellence:We will be striving for excellence at our work and provide quality service with professional excellence.
  4. Integrity:We would like to be honest individuals and as an organisation
  5. Peace: We value and respect peace for community development.
  6. Transparency:We would like to be accountable and responsible in what we do and how we do it within the organisation as well as the stakeholders while providing services

.Guiding Principles


These guiding principles are derived from its values and HDSN will operate all activities and programs by adopting the following guiding principles;


  1. Priority will be given to marginalized or excluded groups or communities
  2. Services will be provided with love, empathy and transparency
  3. HDSN and its programmes will be governed and managed by practicing the main pillars of good governance (transparency, rule of law, participation, accountability and responsiveness)
  4. Integration will be ensured in all aspects of programmes and capacity building of excluded and marginalized communities to increase their access in health and development
  5. Quality of care will be the prime principle in the provision of services
  6. Work will be done in partnership and collaboration with other organizations and institutions
  7. Initiations will be taken for peace building, social harmony and hope for the future


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