
Earthquake relief and rehabilitation

After the disastrous earthquake hit Nepal, HDSN has been working day night tirelessly in its effort to conduct relief works. In collaboration with Niti Foundation and SXJ batch of 1995 it started the relief process by supplying medication and hygiene sanitation materials to the affected areas through various relief groups and the local District Health Offices in the 14 hit districts. After the first phase, HDSN has now been actively working on installing shelters for damaged healthposts and schools with local and international partners. In addition to this HDSN is also conducting health, dental, psychosocial and acupuncture camps also in collaboration with various volunteers and local partners.


Intergenerational Impact of Fe... ,HDSN

Intergenerational Impact of Female Community Health Volunteers: A P...

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Cooperation between HDSN and D... ,Alapot

Teaching children good dental habits from a young age is more impor...

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Oral health Program ,Alapot

Cavities are preventable and ensuring that students have the preven...

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